Monday Harvest – 26th Sept 2011

I’ve had a couple of new things to harvest this week: beetroot which I haven’t had for awhile and spearmint which I am enjoying in tea.  I also have been cooking a few different things this week.  A change of seasons thing perhaps…

I found a recipe for Smoked Trout and Pea risotto, the leek, celery and parsley were all used in it.  I think it sounded better than it tasted – but perhaps that’s because I used a hot smoked trout rather than than cold smoked version that I generally prefer….none of this is the fault of these lovely vegetables though.

Avocados seem particularly cheap in Melbourne at the moment so this coriander went into some particularly delicious guacamole.

We had barbecued haloumi & chorizo on a bed of lettuce & watercress.   I made a beetroot, carrot and Freekeh salad to go with it.  It was my first try cooking freekeh and I have to say I really enjoyed it – the rest of the family though were fairly ambivalent.   Mr almost 2 threw his on the floor.  Oh the joys of feeding preschoolers….

The purple sprouting broccoli was a side dish for a roast chicken.

My daughter had a cold and as she requested noodle soup I felt obliged to make it – spearmint, mint, Vietnamese mint, Spring Onions, Coriander and a previously hidden chilli to go in it:

And now for my parsley adventures – if you read my Monday Harvest post last week you will know that I harvest parsley most days but don’t always mention it because I had run out of ways to photograph it.  Well this week I bring you: Parsley in unusual places.

Do you ever conceive ideas and then get a bit disappointed when the end result is not quite what you envisaged?  (I had big plans for a beautiful gingerbread house for my daughters fairytale themed 5th birthday party – she got the house, but decrepit was a better description that beautiful….)  Well this parsley project was a bit like that, I was picturing an inventive series of snaps with parsley in slightly surreal situations.  What you get instead is parsley ‘planking’ on top of a variety of garden features.  I still had fun taking them though.




For the record this week I used parsley in: Puttanesca sauce, Fritters, stock, tabbouleh and the freekeh salad and risotto mentioned above.

For more Monday Harvests have a look at Daphne’s Dandelions.


Posted in Spring Harvesting | Tagged | 19 Comments

One Stick at a Time – Growing Celery

There’s not a lot at harvesting stage in my garden at the moment.  The garden looks great – its just that things are either finishing or not ready yet.

The shallots are still growing, the broad beans are only just flowering, the cabbages are yet to heart, the silver beet’s flowering and the parsley’s gone to seed.  I’ve even had to pull out two of the purple sprouting broccoli plants to try and give the cabbages room and a bit of a hurry up.

What I do have is celery (even if it is getting a bit old and strongly flavoured).  I pretty much always have celery, which is good because I use a fair bit of it.  I use the skinnier stalks and leaves in stock, I use the stalks in risotto, I use the best stalks in salads and quite often I just eat it as is (well as soon as I’ve washed off the slugs anyway).

I treat my celery as a pick and come again crop, harvesting from it at a rate of about a stick per mature plant per week until it eventually decides to procreate and goes to seed.  I try to have about 4 -5 plants big enough to harvest from in the garden at any one time.  I replace them yearly (even if they don’t bolt), as soon as the new seedlings are big enough, as the younger plants have better flavour.

When harvesting from a pick and come again plant I try and cut the stalk as low as possible, preferably just below ground level if I can (although sometimes due to the plants positioning it is too hard to get very low and the plants survive without many ill effects).

 How I grow Celery

I grow my celery from seed saved from the previous years plants.  The original seed was a hand me down from my father who got his plant from someone who called it perennial celery (they also grew it from their families saved seed).  It self seeds in the garden and if its in an OK place I usually leave it to get on with growing.   I also sow it into seed trays and usually pot the seedlings up once before planting out.

I sow seed in Melbourne’s Spring (Sept – December) and in Autumn, the Spring ones for my main plants to get me through winter and the Autumn ones are a back up in case the established plants bolt before the new ones are ready to produce or I need to move the plants to make way for other crops.  To be honest the Autumn sown ones often bolt at the same time as the spring sown ones.  Reflecting on it, it is probably best to simply sow seed (with protection) at the start of Spring, unless you are really pushed for space and need the flexibility of having some spare plants.

I don’t mind my celery green and as a result I have never tried to blanch it.  If you want to have a go at blanching then you need to wrap something round the stems for about a month before harvest (I know people who use newspaper or milk cartons with the end cut out for this purpose).

Celery likes a lot of water and is a pretty heavy feeder (whenever I’ve grown garlic near it the closest bulbs are usually stunted).  I try and dig in lots of compost prior to planting and give it a liquid feed about every 2 weeks.  The amount of food and water seems to have a big effect on the plant, as does the season.  In winter when the plants get lots of food and water I get lots of long thick and deliciously crisp stems.  If I neglect to water or I plant in poorer quality soil the stems are skinnier, shorter and not as crisp – fine for cooking but a bit tough for eating raw.  My understanding is that this is because celery is best when it grows quickly.  Even with reasonable amounts of food and water the flavour does seem to concentrate in warmer conditions.  I also find that as the plant ages the flavour becomes stronger – which again is fine for cooking but less good for salads.  I presume this is why some people prefer to harvest the whole plant at once when it is comparatively young.

I tend to plonk plants here and there throughout the garden where ever there is space – but generally where it is easily accessible to enable regular picking.  If planting it in a group it needs about 20 – 30cm between plants.

Pests & Annoyances:

Whilst I find celery relatively trouble free to grow I do get quite a lot of slugs hiding between the stalks, they seem to eat the occasionally hole in the plant in the stalks (although rarely all the way through) and leave weird patterns on the outside.  They don’t usually cause so much damage that the stalks are inedible.  I use beer traps to try and coax them out as because they hide between the stalks I only find them when harvesting.

Posted in Autumn Harvesting, Greens - Lettuce, Spinach, Beets, Spring Harvesting, Spring Planting, Summer Harvesting, Winter Harvesting | Tagged | 4 Comments

Spiced Cauliflower

My brother doesn’t really rate cauliflower, so naturally whenever he comes over for dinner I try to cook some.  This is partially to annoy him (he is my brother after all), but mostly because I am trying to convince him of its potential.  He came over last week and I made this cauliflower side dish.  I love how cauliflower takes up flavours (put some cauliflower florets into the roasting pan about 20 mins to half an hour before the chicken is ready and you’ll see what I mean).  It is also fabulous for spicing up, especially with two of my favourite spices – ginger and cumin.  I serve this with Indian dishes but also with grilled meat or fish.

Spiced Cauliflower

  • a small to medium cauliflower broken into florets
  • 1 knob of ginger finely shredded
  • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
  • 2 tblspn oil
  • a pinch of chilli powder
  • a pinch of turmeric (Optional – I ran out when I made the pictured version so its not as yellow as would have been if I had used the turmeric)
  • a pinch of garam masala*
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • Coriander leaves (optional)

Heat the oil in a pan with a lid and fry the ginger for the a couple of minutes.  Add all the other ingredients except the garam masala.  Turn the heat down to low and put the lid on the pan.  Just before cauliflower is cooked add the garam masala.  Continue cooking and then garnish with coriander leaves and serve with just about anything.

*To make Garam Masala:

I like my garam masala with a bit of cumin and coriander in it – I find it easier to use than the stronger versions which tend to omit these ingredients (and are a lot heavier on the black pepper).  You can choose to omit the cumin and coriander from this recipe if you prefer.

  • 1 tblspn cumin seeds.
  • 1 tblspn coriander seeds
  • 1 stick cinnamon
  • 1 tspn cloves
  • ¼ of a whole nutmeg grated
  • 2 black cardamom pods
  • 1 tablespoon seed from green cardamom pods
  • 1 tspn black peppercorns

Heat a frypan on the top of the stove and add all the spices except the nutmeg and cloves.  Dry fry the spices until fragrant.  Allow them to cool.  Grind all spices together in a spice grinder.

This mixture will keep its flavour for about 3 months (although the fresher the better).

Posted in Brassicas, Recipes, Spring Harvesting, Winter Harvesting | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Pots, Pots, and more Pots

I have too many pots, well actually that’s not quite true as I’m currently trawling ebay for more – I need some nice ones for my recent dwarf citrus investments.   No my problem is that I have too many boring black plastic pots which although functional are just not that interesting to look at.

See,  so bored am I by the black pots I can only bear to photograph the rim…..It’s time I got a bit more creative about what I use to plant in.  I do currently use some things other than black pots but polystyrene fruit boxes really aren’t that attractive either.

Better are the few terracotta & ceramic pots I own.

I am especially proud of the tip shop sourced mug that my daughters grass head is growing in.

Then there’s the old watering can with strawberries painted on it that I planted with….yes you guessed it, a strawberry.

My next door neighbour gave me a lemon balm in a reclaimed LP which is fabulous, although I am disappointed that the label showing it was an old Kamahl album has rubbed off the bottom.

I have had one piece of inspiration and that is to use my old olive oil tins as pots.  I have to admit to being inordinately proud of them, despite actually having done nothing at all in their manufacture other than use a lot of oil and get my partner to drill holes in their base….


And perhaps one last shot……

I’m now desperately searching all manner of op shops for those old Twinnings tins because I think they would look good planted up.  Of course this is all very well but none of these receptacles is big enough to grow anything other than herbs really, except of course for my good old black plastic pots that is….


Posted in Planning | Tagged | 7 Comments

An Insurance Policy – Fritters

When I was a little girl I used to be worried that something would happen to my mum and with her would go her recipe for macaroni cheese.  In retrospect I find this rather odd,  as I love my mother very much and surely not having a mother would take precedence over food.  Besides which its not that hard to locate recipes when you need them.  There is also the fact that I’m fairly sure the macaroni cheese in question was made with Kraft blue block cheese (the colour may vary from country to country but if I tell you it didn’t require refrigeration you’ll probably get the picture….) and regardless of how carefully one makes the roux it surely can’t have tasted that much different from the packet variety anyway.

However it is with this particular fear in mind though I bring you, or rather my children if they ever need it, my recipe for fritters.   Fritters are a fabulous thing for kitchen gardener.  I’m of the firm belief that you can turn pretty much anything into a fritter but I think the sweeter vegetables work the best.   I have two favourites; Corn fritters are an old favourite and Carrot Fritters were the result of reading about Diana at Kebun Malay Kadazan Girls‘ carrot frittata.  I make fritters, with the kids help, as much as my mum used to make macaroni cheese.  Actually given the kids help they should pretty much know the recipe by now but just in case they haven’t been paying attention…

Corn Fritters

  • 2 cups corn kernels
  • 1/2 small capsicum – finely chopped
  • a small onion – finely chopped
  • a small bunch of parsley – finely chopped
  • a small bunch of coriander – finely chopped
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 egg – lightly beaten
  • 150 – 200ml milk
  • Oil for cooking

Mix together the flour, baking powder, paprika, pepper and salt.  Add the egg and 150ml of the milk, mix together.  Now add as much of the rest of the milk as you need to form a thick batter (I usually use the full 200ml but if you are a bit under with the flour then less would be needed).  Add the vegetables and herbs to the batter and mix.

Coat the base of a large frying pan with oil.  Heat the oil and add spoonfuls of the fritter mixture.  Cook the fritters over a low – medium heat until you can see bubbles forming in the batter.  Flip the fritters over and cook the other side until golden brown.  Drain on kitchen paper.

If we are having them for lunch I often serve them with a mint yoghurt (about 20 finely chopped mint leaves, 1 cup of greek yoghurt and the juice of half a lemon) and roasted tomatoes (as pictured above).

To make Carrot Fritters:

Substitute carrot for the corn.  Replace the paprika with 1/4 tsp of cumin & 1/4 tsp coriander.  In all other respects the recipe remains the same.

The hand above is grabbing the grapefruit out of a grapefruit , fennel and avocado salad I served alongside the fritters.  He did eat the fritters later…..

PS:  Isn’t it aggravating when recipes say ” a bunch of parsley” leaving you no real idea as to how much that actually means.  Well guess what I have done exactly that here but I have also included this photo to show you what a small bunch of parsley and a small bunch of coriander look like.

Posted in Autumn Harvesting, Herbs & Spices, Recipes, Spring Harvesting, Summer Harvesting, Winter Harvesting | Tagged , , , , , | 9 Comments