Photo-Vember: New Life

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Monday Harvest – 7th November 2011

I failed on all sorts of harvest photography fronts this week.  No herb shots despite using them plentifully.  No lettuce photo’s despite an almost daily salad.  No beetroot photo’s despite making jam.  I do have some good news though.  The cabbage was lovely!

Whilst the broad beans were fabulous in a pasta dish with bacon, pine nuts and lemon, the cabbage was my favourite thing of the week – I’d waited so long I was determined to enjoy it.  We used half in a stir-fry and the other half with that mint in a Vietnamese chicken coleslaw which I photographed mainly for the lurid colours:

The other main harvest of the week was broccoli which I have yet to do anything with.  I was particularly pleased with this broccoli, partially because I planted it as a bit of an aforethought in a fairly shady bed and secondly it doesn’t seem to be infested with aphids which, for this time of the year, I am pretty astounded by.

My final harvest is small and red and frankly something of a miracle.  I struggle to grow strawberries – I don’t give them enough sun (I probably don’t give them enough food and water either) and any that I do get are usually promptly consumed by slugs or small children (or both).  This one though was mine, all mine….maniacal cackle and much hand rubbing…..

For other fabulous harvests from around the world get ye to Daphne’s Dandelions forthwith.

Posted in Spring Harvesting | Tagged | 20 Comments

Photo-Vember: Tendrilly Beautiful

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October – The Wrap Up

The Garden on the 7th Oct 2011

I was very productive in the garden this month. Almost all my summer crops are planted, some have even been mulched, and I have been regularly sowing seed to replace things which are bolting all over the place now the Spring has sprung.


The potatoes are growing nicely:

The tomatoes are doing their thing:

Even the horseradish looks pretty.

I have been buying a few new things:


And reviving a few old ones (these I moved from a shady spot under the passionfruit in the hope they would produce some nice berries):

But mostly I have been sowing my own:


On the left are canteloupe (rockmelon) and watermelon and excitingly the punnet on the right is cumin – sown from some seed I bought for use in the kitchen.  Roll on the home grown curry!

To see what I planted when click here: October 2011

Posted in Planning, Spring Harvesting, Spring Planting | 14 Comments

Photo-Vember: Bee Fodder

Posted in Spring Planting | Tagged | 6 Comments