I generally enjoy (although I did consider putting enjoy in italics) gardening with the kids. We happily sow seeds together, we dig holes, we plant out seedlings, we water and we harvest (very, very carefully) together. There are some activities though that are less successful. Take weeding; sometimes Mr 2 lets over exuberance get the better of him and suddenly the bed will be devoid of lettuces. I say over exburance when actually I mean plain ordinary naughtiness. Much to my shame I tend to have a slightly hysterical voice when he approaches the beds. Highpitched shouts of NO,….. its a plant!…….You’ll kill it!……Oh NO you’ve pulled it out…….You’re going straight to timeout!….. Must amuse the neighbours no end but they also make gardening with the kids a high stress activity at times.
Pruning is another activity I’m not entirely sure about. Here we have Miss 5 about to do embark on some ‘pruning’. What she was about to prune was, at the time, unclear…..cue Jaws music………
I held my breath, had visions of decimated dwarf citrus and another child in timeout, but fortunately this time it was of some parsley for her salad. Next time the oranges may not be so lucky.
What parts of your garden do you allow small children to touch? Is anything out of bounds?