I haven’t posted in a while, a case of work & study getting in the way of real life. All this general busy-ness has meant I haven’t posted about all those exciting end of Summer, start of Autumn harvests. It means I haven’t posted on the seed sowing and the planting out of winter veg. And I haven’t posted on the general garden clean up.
And in all likelihood I never will. The harvests have been eaten, the seeds sown, and the seedlings eaten by wayward chickens who apparently like brassica leaves. Oh and the garden is once more back to its usual messy state. Oh well……..What I do have though is harvests, and some nice varied ones at that.
I have pumpkins:

given to me by my next neighbour neighbour as a seedling so I’m not sure what variety they are. This one is one that didn’t develop properly as someone (my partner) stepped on the stem (grrrrrr) snapping it before it had finished growing.

Most of my harvests at the moment are fruit. Not just pumpkins but also chillies, citrus and most excitingly tamarillos:

For those who aren’t familiar with them Tamarillos are sometimes called tree tomatoes. The flavour is a little like a cross between tomato and passionfruit and to my palate is absolutely delicious.
The lemon is a meyer – the first since I moved the tree from a pot to garden soil. The other citrus are kaffir limes. I use their zest in curries but it’s mainly the leaves I grow kaffir lime for.
Aside from fruit my main crops at the moment are herbs. The basil is still producing nicely. There’s some in the basket but you can also see Thai Basil growing in the photo’s backdrop.
My parsley is doing well at the moment and if it wasn’t for the chooks the silver beet would be one of my best performing plants.
All in all not too shabby for a garden that is suffering from almost as much neglect as this blog.
For more harvests head over to Daphne’s Dandelions for the blog fest that is Harvest Mondays.