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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Beans, Beans, Beans, Beans, everybody loves Beans
The Goodies were big in Australia, much bigger than they were in their native Britain (or so I am reliably (?) informed by my Pommie partner. Of course the Goodies sang about string not beans but the sentiment is the same. … Continue reading
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“Crowd-farming makes Master Chef look like a Bunnings BBQ”
“Crowd-farming makes Master Chef look like a Bunnings BBQ” says Grow it Local co-founder Jess Miller. Normally I ignore press releases but this one caught my attention and I thought Melbournian readers would be interested in this event. Grow it … Continue reading
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Spring flowers
I’m going through a bit of flower phase. I currently have 5 vases of flowers in various rooms of my house. In fact there are probably more flowers in my house than in my garden at the moment, but there … Continue reading
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What do you think about? – Organic broccoli
I like having a blog, aside from its many other advantages having a blog means you get to ask people questions. Technical questions, how to questions, scientific questions, morality questions and mundane questions. I’ve come to the realisation that I … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
The product of neglect
Regular readers will have noticed the sporadic (read non existent) nature of my posting of late. This has mainly been due to a lack of inspiration although I prefer to blame work commitments, family, kinder committees and a raft of … Continue reading
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