Monday Harvest – 25th November 2013

Monday seems to come around really quickly at the moment.  Another week gone as we move ever onwards towards the New Year, Summer and hopefully some exciting harvests.

Whilst the markets are starting to fill up with new seasons fruit and veg sadly my baskets aren’t.  Broad beans, watercress, mint and spring onions in this one.   The first two are coming to an end.  The latter are at their peak.


Unfortunately the same can’t be said for the parsnips.  Despite this being my best looking parsnip it was ridiculously woody.  Couldn’t really eat it woody.  Shame but a reminder that crops don’t store well in the ground in Spring.


Time to head over to Daphne’s and check out what people are harvesting the world over.

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8 Responses to Monday Harvest – 25th November 2013

  1. Such an honest disclosure 🙂 Your green basket looks lovely – I must try growing watercress one day.

  2. Such a shame about your parsnips – we have just dug our first which will be on the dinner plates tonight!

  3. Louise says:

    My garden is in a similar state. The winter crops are nearly all gone now – pulled out the last of the broad beans the other day and the cauli and sugar snaps all eaten. So now there is a bit of a gap… and the waiting … and the inspecting vegetables daily for evidence of bean or cucumber or swelling tomato…

  4. Bek says:

    Darn, I was thinking of trying to harvest my gone to seed parsnips to see if they were edible, but this makes me think tin probably not worth my while. Lovely herbs though. My mint is looking pretty sad and only just putting out some new growth so I envy yours.

  5. Sarah says:

    Sounds like you’re in the ‘hungry gap’ – at least you can look forward to all those summer crops over the next few months… and enjoy the fresh spring growth of mint and other herbs while you wait for the harvests to kick in.

  6. Daphne says:

    Right now I’m eating a kohlrabi that was almost but not quite picked too late. I can tell because I have to cut the skin off fairly deeply to make it not too woody. I should have picked it a month ago probably.

  7. Mark Willis says:

    If I were you I’d ignore the fact that the Parsnips are no good – you’ve had lots of other things that were. And after all, how many people have Watercress in their garden?? I wish I did…

  8. OneMileCreek says:

    At least you were patient enough for your parsnips to grow. I pulled mine out ages ago, silly me thought they were ready. Your harvest looks great. It is a tricky time, but it won’t be long and your basket will be over flowing with goodies. Hayley x

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