Monday Harvest – May 28th 2012

We had rain!  Lots of it!  All is right with the world again…..for the moment anyway.  I also am incredibly busy at the moment.  I’m doing some paid work (from home) which is eating into my blogging time considerably so apologies for any silences of my part.

I did fit in a few harvests though.

More tamarillos – I’m still not sick of them but the time may come soon…..

We are still harvesting eggplants, chillies and the occasional potato, not the mention the fairly ubiquitous chard.

My final photo this week is not so much a harvest as a basket of treasures collected in the garden by Mr 2 and a friend of his – Miss 3.  The last cherry tomato plant (a Tiny Tim) is now devoid of fruit.

For other garden treasures from around the globe head over to Daphne’s Dandelions.

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23 Responses to Monday Harvest – May 28th 2012

  1. Daphne says:

    Oh that basket with chard looks lovely. I wish we would get some rain. We haven’t had any in about a week. I might have to break out the hose tomorrow morning.

    • Liz says:

      Watering is such a pain isn’t it. I have to do it most of the year as our rainfall is just too sporadic not to. At least this will give me a week or so’s rest (except for the pots of course).

  2. Norma Chang says:

    Lovely harvest especially the chard and potatoes, hope mine do well.

  3. Phoebe says:

    The harvest basket looks so lovely! Are those little capsicums I spy?

  4. I’d be happy for such a haul in our late autumn/early winter

  5. Andrea says:

    Love the kids collection of treasures! Oh i’m jealous more of those lovely eggplants and chillies………….

    • Liz says:

      I wish my eggplant had started producing a bit earlier – I reckon I would have had a fabulous crop its still producing heaps of flowers but its gettign way too cold for it to set fruit now.

  6. Nina says:

    Quick, make some green tomato and chilli chutney! I make it out of cherry tomatoes, most times. No need to chop, just throw them in whole and some burst while cooking, others don’t and they give it an interesting little ‘pop’ when eaten. I put a heap in the freezer to process later as I ran out of jars.

    Love the turtle and the fish in the kid’s basket. You may not need to go deep sea fishing, after all.

    • Liz says:

      He he – like the chutney idea – if only I hade some time, I have a pile of cumquats I need to do something with too.

  7. I, too, love the photo of the Swiss chard. I pinned it to my Pinterest Garden board.

    I always find little toys in my garden, too. It makes me smile to see them in your harvest basket. 🙂

    • Liz says:

      Thanks for the pin. I do like toys in the garden, they always seem to migrate and turn up where I least expect them.

  8. maryhysong says:

    When digging in the oldest parts of my garden I sometimes find toys from when my kids were little (my youngest just turned 28) and on real rare occasions from my mothers time. Although my most recent find was a nail puller out under the summer lilac….

    Your chard eggplants and chilies are awesome. Can’t wait for mine to be ready.

    • Liz says:

      Now that would be hidden treasure. My kids have occasionally dug up toy cars from previous owners of our house but strangely I’ve never found anything.

  9. Julie says:

    Feel free to send some rain my way. Your chard and eggplant is very lovely. I’d like to know how you grew a blue turtle and slinky? Seeds or transplants? 😉

    • Liz says:

      Prior to this it had been really dry here too. The turtle and slinky were challenging – I would recommend a lot of research (or market shopping) before embarking on such a project.

  10. Bee Girl says:

    Congrats on the rain and your continued harvests! I think your little ones treasure basket is my favorite “harvest” of the week, though, by far 😉

  11. Diana says:

    I wish for yellow chard that is the only colour not in our garden. Lovely tomarillos there! Wow you still harvesting summer crop!

  12. Susi says:

    Your pictures are so colorful and beautiful. Jealous of the potatoes and peppers.

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