Monday Harvest – 3rd October 2011

It was wet in Melbourne this week, very wet!  We had thunder, lightning, downpours, drizzle, rain and hail – you name it, if it comes from the sky and falls to earth we had it (accept for snow, but then we never have snow…).  As a result much of my harvesting consisted of mad dashes out to the veggie patch to quickly grab something to go into a meal.  I did photograph a few things though.  Broccoli, Beetroot leaves, garlic shoots (that my delightful son ‘helpfully’ liberated from the ground for me….) and coriander went into a stir fry to have with salmon.

Beetroot to make more room for my cabbages to grow and to go into rasam.

Celery to flavour stock.

And more celery for risotto.

Some leeks also for the risotto – note: beautiful worm which went back into the ground rather than into our rice.

And mint, yes I know that this mint is still connected to the plant and so is not harvested but I used a lot of mint this week (mainly in tea), and failed to photograph it, so I felt it should be represented.

Broccolli – 2 types: Purple Sprouting and Green Dragon.  Both were used in a pasta dish (with olives, chilli, bread crumbs and anchovies) and if I’m honest I couldn’t really discern any difference in flavour between the two varieties.

And finally to represent all the parsley I ate – 2 images of pretty much the same thing.  Two armed man.

And one armed man.

Actually my parsley is going to seed so I used less of it than usual, just in stock and salads.

For other Monday Harvests head over to Daphne’s Dandelions, you know you want to!

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14 Responses to Monday Harvest – 3rd October 2011

  1. Diana says:

    I wish some of rain will come and visit us as well. It had been a dry September. Hopefully October will have more rain here. Celery look so nice to munch! Beautiful harvest.

    • Liz says:

      Shame you didn’t get rain – it had been dry here too until last week. Not sure if they are forecasting a dry or wet Spring….

  2. Leanne says:

    How great was all the rain? All my bins are full of water now. I love watching what you harvest, makes me realise that I should be growing other stuff as well.

  3. Barbie says:

    So, you ate the poor fella? Tisk tisk! 🙂

  4. Robin says:

    Beautiful pictures as always! That celery looks perfect!

  5. mac says:

    Pretty photos, the last 2 are so cute!

  6. Mark Willis says:

    I love the “Parsley Man”. Is his hair made of Chives? Dashing out to the garden in the rain to harvest fresh veg (and photograph it!) is a sure sign of the devoted garden blogger!

    • Liz says:

      The hair, boringly enough, is grass but now that you have suggested chives I think its a fabulous must do idea!!!! Was that devoted or deranged you meant to type????

  7. kitsapFG says:

    While the rain makes the harvesting more of a challenge – it sure helps the garden to grow! Rain has a tonic affect on the garden that hose irrigation just cannot duplicate.

    Nice harvests this week!

  8. Shawn Ann says:

    Ha ha! Cute Parsley men! I do love your purple broccoli, though I am lucky to get any green growing, so I won’t push my luck!

    • Liz says:

      To be honest although it looks nice I wasn’t super pleased with it – it grew really big before flowering which is all very well but I wanted broccoli earlier than it provided so I’m not sure I would bother next time…

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