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Category Archives: Tomatoes
Chickpea, Chorizo & Tomato Stew
Yesterday was something of a momentous day for me – so much so that I went to bed early and as a result this post is a little late – you see it was my daughters first day at school. I … Continue reading
Growing Tomatoes in Melbourne – Part 3
I do find tomatoes one of the more idiosyncratic crops that I grow. Nothing ever seems simple with tomatoes. If its not the leaves, its the fruit, are they too dry?, are the too wet?, overfed?, underfed? there always seems … Continue reading
Suburban Sell Out? – Tomato Rings & Veggie Cages
A few weeks ago I got an email from a man who imports some American gardening products – Tomato Rings and Veggie Cages – into Australia. He had emailed me to ask if I would like some samples. I have to … Continue reading
Growing Tomatoes in Melbourne – Part 2 – Planting out
In Melbourne the tradition is that you plant tomatoes on Cup Day. My dad did it, my grand father, probably his before that and so on. For the uninitiated Cup Day is the first Tuesday in November and is a public … Continue reading