Monday Harvest – 18th November 2013

I would love to tell you how much planting I’ve done recently: lettuce, cucumbers, eggplant & capsicum but I won’t as today is supposed to be about what I’m taking out of the garden rather than what I’m putting in.   With that in mind I certainly wont mention the celeriac, parsley, basil or pumpkin being planted, and you wont hear about the celery and kale either.

What you will hear about are: broad beans, rocket and watercress.  broad beans, rocket and lettuce, broad beans, rocket and bay leaves, broad beans, rocket and tarragon, broad beans, rocket and mint……………basically it’s all broad beans and herbs here ……. and this lone garlic head.  It’s stalk was flopping over so I pulled it and found (to my surprise) that it had formed cloves.  It may be small, it may be a little pathetic, it may be my only one this year but at least there are cloves.


And damn fine cloves they are too.  Perfect to eat with all those Broad beans and rocket….

Broad Beans and Rocket

For other harvests (almost certainly with greater variety than mine) head over to Daphne’s.

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18 Responses to Monday Harvest – 18th November 2013

  1. Our garlic is just starting to grow so I hope the forecast snow doesn’t come and flatten it.

  2. Gorgeous rocket – I wish mine was as well established. I hope you enjoy the garlic.

  3. Daphne says:

    Ah but broad beans are so delicious and are so fleeting. At least in my garden they are fleeting.

    • Liz says:

      Here too – In a week or so they will be gone for another year. I do like having crops with a short cropping window – I enjoy the sense of anticipation.

  4. Louise says:

    Do you know what I had for dinner? Lots of steamed broad beans with the outer cover slit. Piled in a bowl with garlic oil, parmesan and ground black pepper. What did I do? Picked up the bean seedswith my fingers and sucked the inner bean out with all that garlic oil , parmesan and pepper to flavour. Was it good, yes it was! Broad beans in my garden are too fleeting too! Sometimes such simple things are the best.

    • Liz says:

      Sounds really, really delicious!!!! That is what I will do with my final crop – there’s only enough for one so I will have them for lunch when everyone is out. Really looking forward to it!!!!!!

  5. AF says:

    Cutting some beautifully sweet Kai Lan at the moment, basil slow, edamame didn’t fire and wait for it …. Have CAPER PLANTS arriving this week. Temperamental while getting established I hear ….

    • Liz says:

      How exciting!!!!!! Where did you find them? I look periodically but haven’t found any yet. I plan to sow some edamame this month – more as experiment than with any great hope.

  6. I planted red flowered fava beans for the first time last year. The flowers were so lovely and the fragrance of the plants–divine! I didn’t eat any of the beans, just saved the seed so I could experience that joy in winter again this year.

    I have planted my beans and now they are up. I have more this year, and it’s colder so far, so maybe I will have enough to try them this year. Louise’s recipe sounds like something I would enjoy. I’m glad you are able to enjoy your fava beans right now. It’s such a blessing to harvest straight from the yard.

    • Liz says:

      I do hope you get to eat some this year – I have really enjoyed mine. I think I will have to get some of the red flowering ones for next year – I do like the idea of some pretty red flowers.

  7. Our harvest seems to. Have slowed down a little, or maybe it’s just that I’m expecting more. We’re picking carrots, herbs, spring onions, silverbeet, spinach, beetroot. But have lots in the ground just waiting to cone up.

    • Liz says:

      Sounds like you’re still getting a decent variety. This time of the year is always a little slow while the summer crops establish themselves so I reckon getting more than one colour of produce is something of a result at this time of year.

  8. Michelle says:

    You do like broadbeans, right? …..


  9. mac says:

    Lovely garlic and beans. I haven’t grown broad beans in a while, wonder my seeds are still good to go, will check them out later.

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