Monday Harvest – 11th Nov 2013

I seem to be managing to post on my harvests every second week at the moment.  I’m not sure if this is:

  1. A reflection on my laziness
  2. Due to a paucity of harvests
  3. Life getting in the way of blogging
  4. A need to accumulate photos of broad beans
  5. All of the above

Personally I think number 5 is most likely – especially as the first four are definitely true and I have not one but two photos of broad beans to share:

Broad Beans  Broad Beans

I think I’ve probably got another few basketfuls left on the plants then that will be it for broad beans for this year.  I have already planted much of their bed with tomato plants and am gradually taking out the broad beans as I cut the last beans from each stem.

I also have a couple of parsnip harvests left for the season.


As you can see in the above photos my parsnips are very variable in terms of size and shape.  They have been fun to grow.  I do like the anticipation you get harvesting roots crops – what will they look like when you pull them?

There’s less anticipation when harvesting garlic chives, but no less enjoyment eating them.  These went into some particularly good gyoza (if I say so myself…).

Garlic Chives

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAI’ve been making gyoza quite a bit lately and am enjoying experimenting with fillings.  My favourite’s at the moment are chicken, ginger and garlic chives and mixed veg and tofu.

I like them with Bok Choi too which I’ve been pulling quite a few plants of as they have begun to bolt.

The same can be said for the other crops in that basket – parsley and celery.  I’ve planted out some parsley seedlings recently and my celery has germinated.  Out with the old and in with the new.

Here’s hoping for some decent growing weather in the next few weeks.  In the meantime head over to Daphne’s Dandelions for the weekly Harvest Monday roundup.

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21 Responses to Monday Harvest – 11th Nov 2013

  1. Daphne says:

    We might be on opposite sides of the world, but we have both been making a lot of gyoza recently. I’ve been making it because I need to use up my huge Chinese cabbage. I haven’t made any with chicken though. I ought to try that. I’ve made veggie, shrimp, and pork though. I’ve eaten some, but mostly I’m freezing it for the winter.

    • Liz says:

      I’ve just planted out some chinese cabbages though so that will probably be my next impetus for making them too – that and I love the taste.

  2. I’m afraid I don’t have the staying power to post on the same subject one day every week which is why I don;t usually join in memes. The exception is Wordless Wednesday as it is an opportunity to use some of the zillions of photos I take.

  3. Norma Chang says:

    Have not made gyoza in quite a while. One of the reason is I dislike the ready made wrappers and never seem to find time to make my own. Now that gardening season is at an end I should find time, hopefully.
    I left you a note about the origin of “Peking Ravioli” to your comment at Daphne Dandelion’s.

    • Liz says:

      I have to admit using the ready made wrappers – but I can imagine they would taste soooo much better with home made ones. Finding the time though is always hard isn’t it?

  4. Dave says:

    Thanks to you and Daphne I am officially having pot sticker envy now! How do you keep your garlic chives from taking over? I let mine run to seed once and now I have them everywhere.

    • Liz says:

      I let the chooks out and the general levels of destruction seem to keep them in check. I haven’t been growing them for that long though so they still might try and take over the garden….

  5. mac says:

    Lovely broad beans you have there. Filled dumpling is our go to meal, always have some in the freezer just in case I don’t feel like cooking.

  6. Michelle says:

    I’m with Dave, I have pot sticker envy too. If I ever ger caught up with gardening and preserving I will have to make a big batch and freeze some. I have serious broadbean envy too!

    • Liz says:

      I just wish I had a bigger freezer – my daughter is quite the pot sticker production line when she tries but sadly those times are few and far between……

  7. Bek says:

    Mmmm, gyoza. I should totally make some of those. I also have broadbeans and parsnips, which I need to harvest soon as they look to be about to go to seed, although I plan on leaving one for fresh seed to sow next season.

  8. Mark Willis says:

    I thought my parsnips were a bit wierdly-shaped, but I’m now having second thoughts!

  9. Roger says:

    Your parsnips look great to me but I am a little confused, your season in Australia is upside down to mine and I will be eating the last of my parsnips with my Christmas dinner.
    Are yours growing after overwintering or are they from an early sowing which we cannot do because of our winter cold? If they are in the second year do the roots still taste as good as they look?
    My latest post is about biennials such as parsnips and I provide there evidence of my confusion!

    • Liz says:

      Parsnips can be grown pretty much year round here, as a result many home gardeners favour sowing in Autumn for harvest in Spring rather than growing them during the summer season where there is more competition for space in the garden. We grow broad beans, and most brassicas in much the same way although the brassicas in particular are ready for harvest a lot earlier than the parsnips are.

  10. Funny, I just pulled out a recipe for potstickers… must be an infectious craving going around! Do you make your own wrappers?

  11. Lrong says:

    Hi Liz… to be posting once in two weeks is pretty good… I am sliding more and more into the background… my reason is, I think, time is too precious… besides, I picked up (or ‘renewed’) a new hobby, that is, playing the shakuhachi flute… anyway, as always, am impressed with your gardening…

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