Last winter after the chooks attacked the garden for the umpteenth time I made a decision to segment the garden in two – the chooks would be allowed the free range in one section while I would grow most of my veg in the other.
This has worked reasonably well in the main, the chooks occasionally escape but mostly keep to their side. The downside though is because they now have a smaller area they have done a lot more damage to it – as you can see there is very little grass left:

The solution I decided was fruit trees – hopefully the chooks would fertilise them but most of their foliage would be too high up to be eaten. I was going to buy trees plural but they are really quite expensive so I bought tree singular.

And I didn’t even get to choose it – that pleasure belonged to by my eight year old daughter who was so excited by the idea of a nectarine plum cross that I couldn’t bear to disappoint her and buy an apple instead.
So this is a ‘Spicezee’ – awful name isn’t it?

But a beautiful plant. I love the purply red colour of the young leaves. They turn greener as they age but they are still beautiful.
I also love that the chooks haven’t destroyed it. It doesn’t seem to mind them scratching around beneath it and I’m sure their poo is doing it good.
But best of all are the beautiful fruit.

We got about 10 this year which I know isn’t many but its young and hopefully has years of abundance to come.
I’m not sure where exactly the plum comes in because the fruit are pretty nectarine like, from the colour, to the shape, flavour and stone.

The fruit also grow close to the branch like nectarines. It doesn’t matter though because I love nectarines and these taste particularly good. Especially straight from the tree…