Fruit Developing

I went up to my Mum and Dad’s on Sunday.  They live north of Melbourne, about 60km from Coburg in a place which is, on average, about 4 degrees cooler.  In fact if I check the temperature gauge in my car just before I set out I can almost always predict what temperature it will be when I get there.  This 4 degrees can be a bad thing – winters there are pretty chilly.  But it can also be a good thing – their parsley has yet to bolt whereas mine has been sending up flower stalks for weeks.

Bullengarook15112015 024 (530x800)What it also means is that a lot of the fruit tends to be a bit behind Melbourne’s, but looking at their trees they have a lot coming on. Cherries tend to do well in that part of the world and their 3 year old tree has some beautiful bunches developing.  The figs are also developing nicely and actually look to be further along than mine.

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But it’s the stone fruit – the apricots, nectarines, plums and peaches that I am most jealous of.

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Wouldn’t it be lovely to have the space to grow all these?

Bullengarook15112015 029 (800x530)

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5 Responses to Fruit Developing

  1. roger Brook says:

    It’s great to read about what is happening with our seasons inverted – I just add-on six months and try to imagine what is happening then in my own garden here in York UK.
    Good to hear about your parsley. I just about get parsley all the year round although I have to look pretty hard in late January and February! So now yours will be soon self seeding….?

    • Liz says:

      It self seeds very happily – my struggle though is filling the gap between it going to seed and the next crop reaching edible size. If I sow too soon it bolts, too late and the gap is too big. I should sow weekly to pinpoint the date I guess.

  2. Frogdancer says:

    I found some chilli seeds you sent me a couple of years ago. I now have seedlings.
    Thanks again.

  3. Laura Jayne says:

    Lovely! I would trade my spacious apartment to have a place like this where I can grow plants and flowers. I have been working with Melwood Garden Sheds and whenever I join the field installation, I would simply stop and appreciate the beauty of our clients’ gardens.

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